Share Your World – 2015 Week 8

Your favorite blog post that you have written? (add link)
My favourite blog post is Howling At The Moon. I am reminded of it every full moon—which is this week as I reaffirm my months goals. It is also one of my most popular posts last year. Last month I used it as the basis for my Toastmaster International Speech competition speech at club level and came third. I was pleased. 

What do you feel is the most enjoyable way to spend $500? Why?

I love to go on a road trip with my husband and get away for a few days. Take the camera and explore areas close to home that we haven’t visited in years or on the odd occasion we find somewhere neither of us have been before. This month I am flying to Lismore, NSW to meet him and explore the area. It is close to the Queensland border but inland, so I am sure we will have fun exploring the hinterland.

If you could know the answer to any question, besides “What is the meaning of life?”, what would it be?

I’m not a big question asker, but if someone could honestly tell me what my future held I would be interested. I love going to fortune tellers and am often surprised by their accuracy. I would particularly like to know how successfully I will be able to market my book when I self-publish it later in the year.

Where do you eat breakfast?

I eat my breakfast every morning sitting at my computer working on my blog of the day or visiting my blogging friends blogs. It has become a happy ritual that starts my day of well.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Last week I was grateful for being able to take part in Blogging U’s poetry course. Although I didn’t write a lot of poetry as it is new to me and I didn’t have a lot of time—it was great to learn about poetry. I also surprised myself and I am better at it than I thought.

During this week I look forward to starting to plan our holiday to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary in September. We are still deciding where we will go but we are considering returning to Hawaii where we were honeymooners all those years ago.

5 thoughts on “Share Your World – 2015 Week 8

  1. 1. Blog post.
    It was hard to pick a favorite blog post, but I think this is the best one I’ve done recently and has the widest audience here on WordPress:

    2. The most enjoyable way to spend $500: Go to the beach for a few days or get front row tickets for a concert of a band or musician you love.

    3. Question: why do you never see baby squirrels?

    4. I’m usually in a rush to get to work and am not hungry til mid morning, so coffee and a muffin is usually my breakfast, accompanied by orange juice or sometimes a Bolthouse smoothie if I can afford it.

    5. Last week: I’m grateful the snow melted and my water pipes got fixed (they froze and then burst and I had no water for almost 2 weeks)
    This week: I’m looking forward until Friday!

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