Raison D’être

On Mother’s Day 2014, I started Inspiring Max. I had researched and considered my options for 5 years before I finally plucked up the courage to put myself out there. Up to this point, I had lived me life in secret but knew to achieve my dreams something had to change. You see after completing several writing courses I knew that to improve my very remote chance of my book being published by a publishing house, I needed to start a blog. Although my blog was never going to be related to my book’s subject—eating disorder recovery—it has helped me develop my voice.

Over the past 2 years, today is Mother’s Day 2016, Inspiring Max and I have developed in ways I never thought possible.  I am so pleased that finishing my book and needing to think about publication pushed me out of my comfort zone and into the blogosphere. Because of blogging I have grown not only as a writer but also as an editor. Another great blessing I have received through Inspiring Max’s blogging community is great feedback, which ensures that I write in a way my audience understands my meaning. This gives me confidence in my writing style and helps me to minimise confusion, which hopefully I have transferred to my book – I’M SO OVER THIS!….. A Skill-Based Guide To Eating Disorder Recovery.  At present, I think I am still on track to self-publish it in the second half of 2016.

Whatever your reason for blogging, if you are still in the contemplative stage give it a try, you’ll be pleased you did. There literally is an audience out there for everyone.


5 thoughts on “Raison D’être

  1. Congrats on your two year blogversary. This is the first time I’ve stopped by since A to Z Challenge 2015, and I wasn’t sure if you did A to Z 2016, but from the sidebar, it looks like you did. A friend turned me on to a website called http://www.nonfictionwritersconference.com. I haven’t listened in, I don’t have the energy but there are recordings one can get of all the speakers. Self publishing can be another adventure of learning so tips from others may be helpful. There are other great resources out there too. Visit if you have time. Maui Jungalow

  2. “…Whatever your reason for blogging, if you are still in the contemplative stage give it a try, you’ll be pleased you did. There literally is an audience out there for everyone…” So true…like many things, often the anticipation is worse than actually doing it…just be clear on why you are blogging and don’t expect to change the world by Day 2.

  3. Your post made me very enthusiast – I started my blog a few weeks ago and I’m so surprised by the amount of nice people and comments and the atmosphere between bloggers… I didn’t expect anything and I’m positively surprised. And I also notice already now that I’m growing in writing… love and light for everyone here!

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