Coffee Catch-up # 8

If we were having coffee I would tell you it seems like forever since our last coffee catch-up, although the reality is that it has only been 3 weeks. During this time, most of my time has been taken up completing the Blogging from A – Z challenge. It was fun, although some days the pressure to come up with inspiring posts took over my world. But in the end I was happy with all of them even X, which for me was the difficult one. I certainly enjoyed putting the “I survived blogging A – Z banner” on my blog as I feel like I earned it. Next year, I think I will do a lot of pre-planning in the hope that makes this challenge easier.

If we were having coffee I would ask you where you thought all the smoke haze around Sydney today was coming from. My hope would be that unlike me, you may have listened to the news and have known that it was coming from more than 40 hazard reduction back burns happening all around Sydney especially in the Blue Mountain areas. The smoke was so bad it was playing havoc with the fire alarms in many businesses including the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre, where for more than 30 minutes of our aqua aerobics class this morning, the instructor had to yell or mime the instructions. Oh and ironically the alarm stopped at the same time as our aqua class. Who knew!

If we were having coffee I would tell you that this week has been a shocker. If something could go wrong it did. For me, the most frustrating thing was that instead of enjoying myself on Wednesday night, I got to sit and wait for NRMA roadside assist after I quickly discovered that in a moment of mindless thinking from my stressful week, I locked my car keys in the boot. I think it has been over 20 years since I last did this. I also had nothing with me to do, not even a small bit of paper to write a blog post on but fortunately for me it only took them 45 minutes to come instead of the 90 minutes they promised service in. Thank you NRMA.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that I enjoyed District 90 First Annual Toastmaster Conference last weekend. It was held at Rooty Hill RSL — the largest RSL club in Australia. I had never been before and the venue, the food as well as the conference’s educational sessions were fantastic. I am sure the other parts of the conference were also excellent, however due to time constraints I was limited in what I went to.

If we were having coffee I would tell you about my work’s cultural lunch this week. This is a regular event where you take a dish from your culture for everyone to share. For me this has always been difficult because being a hospital we are a very multicultural workplace, however I could never really come up with a dish from my life to share that was interesting and easy to share. This time I got it right. My trifle was a great hit and will now be my signature dish. I hadn’t made a trifle in years and I only remembered about them at Easter when I took desert to a family friends house. It was weird not making it with sherry but the sacrifice still tasted yummy.

If we were having coffee I would ask you what you have been up to this last week, let me know in the comments.

Coffee Catch-up #7


Coffee Catch-up #5

If we were having coffee I would apologise for missing our coffee catch-up last month. Then we would make a plan to get together more regularly as we miss each others company. We would also use this time to remind ourselves that somethings need prioritizing. To help me with this task, this morning I discovered the  #weekendcoffeeshare  community and plan on joining in the fun.

If we were having coffee I would tell you about a minor work accident which resulted in my wedding and engagement rings needing to be cut off my finger in the emergency department on the 27th anniversary of meeting my husband. I was absent mindedly closing the sliding door behind to make sure confidentiality was maintained as I left the room, when it shut so fast that my left hand smashed against the metal plate totally squashing my rings into my hand. Fortunately, the diamonds don’t seem to be damaged.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that after a meeting with my collaborator we have decided to change the name of my book on eating disorder recovery from Inspiring Hope to “I’m so over this…” —practical ways eating disorder recovery is possible, which we are quite excited about. Feedback from patients has been great, as they all agree this is a statement that personally resonates with them.

If we were having coffee I would tell you I achieved my Advanced Communicator Bronze as well as my Competent Leadership Awards over the last two months. I am embarrassed to say that my CL actually took 5 years to complete due to my slackness.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed Easter Sunday last week. We had a small immediate family gathering and two Easter egg hunts — one for the adult kids and one for the parents. It was great fun with lots of laughs. After a BBQ lunch, we played Wii games which nicely finished with each team—ours, my son’s team and my daughters team winning a game. It couldn’t have been fairer if we’d tried.

If we were having coffee I would ask you what you have doing in the last few months. Let me know in the comments? If you are interested in previously coffee catch-ups see the link below.

Coffee Catch-up #4