Christmas Calendar #11

I believe every choice has a resulting consequence. Hard work builds confidence and a solid reputation. Equally poor choices ruin them.

Having skills and abilities however can be transient. You might be on top of your game for a while, then suddenly someone will replace you. This won’t matter if by using your skills and abilities you have also made good choices and built a solid foundation. You will find a way to reinvent yourself and who you truly are will shine through from a different perspective.

Christmas Calendar #10

In my life the difficult times are definitively the ones that built my strength and resilience. They have come in many ways, but it is their lessons that I have found the most valuable. On a few occasion I had no map for what was ahead of me, I just kept taking baby steps. Then over time, I realised that struggles was over and the difficulties had overcome were now a new layer of protection on my life’s journey.