Q – Quebec City #A – Z Challenge

Christmas Day last year my husband and I spent in  Quebec City. According to Google—it was the 2nd most guaranteed place in the world for snow to fall on Christmas Day as well as be on the ground. We were excited. After more than half a century we were going to have our first white Christmas. Great in theory however the weather didn’t want to co-operate. For the first time in over 20 years Quebec City didn’t have a white Christmas. We had a great day wandering around exploring the Plains of Abraham, Chateau Frontenac and Old Quebec City. We were even lucky enough to experience a light dusting of snow as we were walking home from Christmas dinner—I was in my element.

#A -Z Challenge

I – Inukshuk #A – Z Challenge

An inukshuk is a human-shaped man-made stone landmark built by the Inuit people of the Artic region. Traditionally they are built to assure the newcomer to the area that they are on the right path and point to good local hunting places or other food sources.

Inukshuks are made by using whatever rocks or stones are around and balancing them on top of each other in the traditional shape of a human with one arm longer and pointing in the direction  needed.

All inukshuks are unique.

Last month my husband and I were surprised to find an inukshuk made in the creek at Minyon Falls. He was special and brought a smile to our faces as we remembered our recent trip to Canada.


#A-Z Challenge


H – Home #A – Z Challenge

Today I am combing Poetry 101 Rehab: Home with H in A – Z April Blogging Challenge. My two choices this week are:


Home is more than bricks and mortar

Opening doors to many

Memories, mistakes and special moments

Especially keeping us safe and secure


My home is my castle, it

reflects my personality and

doesn’t fit a mould.

There are certain things always

travelling with me wherever I

make my new home.


#A-Z Challenge

Share Your World – 2015 Week 14

What type of music relaxes you the most or do you prefer silence?

I love silence. Working in mental health I spend most of each day talking so the days  I come home to no one and can control the noise even for 15 minutes are a blessing.

Show us a two of your favorites photographs?  Explain why they are your favorite.   If you are not a photographer, think of a two favorite scenes in your life and tell us about them. 


I love this photo I took on a moving dog sled ride in Canada last year. It shows the beauty of the area and the action of the dogs as they excitedly pull our sled.

My second choice today is in contrast—it is taken on Hyam’s Beach on my birthday last year. It too was a peaceful way to spend time with nature.

012 - birthday girl getting wet feet


What is your favorite tradition? (family tradition, church tradition, whatever)

My extended family has a colour theme for Christmas every year. It is voted in by all members of the family—there are over 30 and once the colour is chosen everyone dresses in the  colour theme. No excuses.  My sister who is queen of Christmas baubles, decorates her house in the colour theme matched with contrasting silver or gold. It is a great day and some of the clothing is outstanding. This years theme is berry—any colour you can find in a berry is allowed. The photos below are from our – 50 shades of red theme – a few years ago.


If you could go back and talk to yourself at age 18 what advice would you give yourself?  Or if you are younger than 25 what words of wisdom would you like to tell yourself at age 50?

Follow your gut instincts and believe in yourself. You know what to do and your life will be a success. Accept who you are and don’t worry about if you are going to be popular or not. Your unique personality makes you popular where it counts and the rest is often fake and doesn’t matter.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Last week I was grateful for the inspiration on ways to move my chapters around and make them flow better.

Next week I am looking for ward to remembering 100 years of the ANZACS on Saturday.


Share Your World – 2015 Week 13

What was your favorite subject in school?

I don’t remember having a favourite subject at school. School was school. How much I liked each class varied with regard to who was teaching it, the others students and the style of teaching used. In the end it was my life experiences more than my schooling that got me my job in psychiatric nursing all those years ago.

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away” (George Carlin). When have you had such a moment?

I am constantly living in the moment—enjoying what is happening around me. For me the last big moment was when we left Canada’s Parliament House and our first snow storm had begun while during our visit. The landscape was suddenly transformed and everything was blanketed in white—just beautiful.

What’s your choice: jigsaw, crossword, or numeric puzzles?

I am a visual person so love doing jigsaw puzzles. We have many in the garage but unfortunately no time to complete them. Like blogging you start them and suddenly realise that hours have flown by.

If you found an obviously abandoned car with $50,000 in the back seat, what would you do?

I would hand the money in to the police and hope nobody claimed it so I got to keep it. I would be to concerned if I didn’t that I would be found out and charged with something myself.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Last week I was thankful for the four-day Easter break and the amount of editing I got done on my book. I majorly changed its order and feel that the flow is even better now. This week I am looking forward to getting back into routine and seeing where it takes me. I have no plans.


C – Casa Loma

Casa Loma is a beautiful, ornate full size castle built by Sir Henry Pellant and completed in 1914.  Overlooking Toronto Canada—the castle is situated on 5 acres of  land— taking 300 men,  3 years to build. It was the largest private residence in Canada and it is steeped in history. Unfortunately due to changes in their financial circumstances Sir Henry and his lovely wife Lady Mary were only able to live in their spectacular home for 10 years.

Beauty, grandeur and opulence are displayed in every room. No expense was spared on the creation of this historic building and it is a true testament to its owner and Edwardian times. Our visit was at Christmas and they were celebrating 100 years of Christmas at Casa Loma—including traditional carolers. It is the most impressive home I have ever seen.

Possibly our favourite part of exploring this amazing castle complete with its secret tunnels was having traditional hot chocolate and our first s’mores on the balcony. We were in heaven. The only thing that would have improved our day was if there was snow on the ground. You win some, you lose some.


B – Beer Float

Although Australian I choose to drink wine not beer. It wasn’t until our recent trip to Canada that I began to learn about beer. At lunchtime on New Years Eve in Montreal my husband and I had lunch at The 3 Brewers Microbrewery and decided to try a beer float.  Our beer float consisted of 6 beers all made on site:

  • White
  • Blonde
  • Amber
  • Brown
  • Christmas Beer—special beer of the month
  • Portobello

I was excited. This was a new experience for me, the beers were beautifully presented and looked appertising—something I would have never consider possible before. And now for the test—what were my thoughts. I tried all beers in order as they looked to get stronger as they went.

White – I enjoyed this unusual beer. It was light with a gingery feel and had a pleasant after taste. I could definitely trial a larger glass later.

Blonde – I had tried blonde beers before so the taste wasn’t unusual. It was wheaty and fruity and whilst pleasant it wasn’t my favourite.

Amber – Described by the microbrewery ” as a specialty found nowhere else” I did enjoy this beer. It had a light, caramel flavour that went particularly well with my lunch—Beef and Mushroom Poutine.

Brown – This was my least favourite beer. I found it a strong, malty flavour that I felt took over. It was interesting to try.

Christmas Cheer – Made only for the month of December this beer was very enjoyable. It had a fun, light, festive taste. The flavours did remind me of Christmas. It was one of my favourites.

Portobello – This beer was dark and strong. Surprisingly, I didn’t find it bitter like other strong beers so I did enjoy it although only in small quantities.

 It was a fun, practical learning experience and I am glad I took the risk. I will gaining more beer knowledge as the opportunity presents.


Eclectic Corner: Splash Of Colour

This fortnight Eclectic Corner focus on photography, quotes and haiku poetry showcasing the theme of—a splash of colour. The grey skies of winter in Canada gave many opportunists to recognise a splash of colour against a mostly grey photo.


The Beatles are my husbands favourite band and while I am not a huge fan I do love this quote. I love colour—it brightens even the dullest day. If things aren’t going right for you add some colour to your day and watch it lift your mood.


Photo Credit: TAOLife


I have only recently learnt about poetry and have found it a great way to express my thoughts simply. The impact of colour is no different.

Feeling blue or grey

Let’s paint your world with colour

It will lift your day


Poetry 101 Rehab: Thaw

This week’s poetry challenge theme is THAW. In Australia this word doesn’t have the same power it holds in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere.

Using anaphora

I like the snow

I like the ice

To work yesterday I couldn’t go

And shoveling is such a chore

So today I like the thaw



Come in and thaw out

Love will defeat the cold

Together we’ll grow old




Quebec’s Holy Door

On our recent trip to Canada I passed through Quebec’s Holy Door at the Bascillica of Notre-Dame de Quebec. The Holy Door was granted  to the people of Quebec by the Pope to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the first Catholic parish in Northern America (Canada and USA)—at one time the largest Catholic parish in the world.  The Holy Door opened on the 8th December 2013 and closed on the 28th December 2014.

It is one of only seven Holy Doors  and the first Holy Door opened outside of Europe—four in the Vatican, one in France and one in Spain. The door itself is made of bronze and weighs about half a tonne. The external side of the door has Christ on the front and the internal door has Mary sculptured into it. Upon entering should you choose you place your hand in the hands of Christ and pause mindfully for a moment.

The Holy Door must be entered from the outside in and leads into the small chapel at the side of the Bascillica. After its closure on the 28th December 2104 the Holy Door was sealed to be opened again in 2025 when the next Holy Year was expected. However on 17th March 2015, Pope Francis announced that a Holy Year of Mercy will begin on 8th December 2015 that will close on the 20th November 2016. During this Jubilee all seven Holy Doors around the world will be opened.

The brochure stated “this door is open to all persons of good will. For Catholics it is a pilgrimage, a sign, a passage, a kind of spiritual preparation.”

Despite not being Catholic I found passing through Quebec’s Holy Door quite a spiritual experience. Although it was not the purpose of my trip to Quebec City—it was one of my highlights. The fact that I entered on Boxing Day—the day after Christmas Day made it more special for me. If you are traveling in an area next year that has a Holy Door consider adding it to your travel plans. Once closed the Holy Doors will all be sealed again until the next Jubilee Year possibly 2025 as originally expected.