Share Your World – 2014 Week 24

What makes you feel the most secure?

I feel the securest when I am home in my pajamas and UGG slippers sitting in my recliner chair, under my home made knitted rug. Before his passing in January this year, you could complete picture by adding our cat, Yoda, sitting on my lap. I was excused from a lot of work because the cat choose to sit on me.

If you were a shoe, what kind would you be and why?

I am a unique and practical sort of girl so no heels for me. Loving colour, I would be a multicoloured, everyday shoe that could cover many outfit styles. I would be very comfortable and hopefully fit into the MBT ( for human movement) designer range that works all your muscles and are described as the most comfortable shoes on earth. Having several pairs I would have to agree.

How many languages do you you speak?

English only although I did learn French in high school to Higher School Certificate level, and I am hoping to pick it up again as I visit Montreal and Quebec at Christmas.

What was the largest city you have been to?  What is the one thing you remember most?

Last year we spent a great week visiting Ghangzhou, China which has a population of 14,000,000 people. The thing I remember the most is how easy it was to get around on the train system as the announcements were in Cantonese, Mandarin and English.  Train stations were also located near every main tourist attraction. We were also excited to be able to connect to Facebook in the international hotel, as this is blocked in most of China.

Share Your World – 2014 Week 24

Places To Go

Part 2 of the Lost and Found Series

As our children are eighteen months apart, growing up they were like twins. The younger one thought she could, and did do everything her brother did. This meant our transition from nappy era to adventure era was smooth and seamless. Thankfully, there was no time that involved an activity only suited to one child.

Working ten hour night duties allowed me to earn maximum pay for minimum time, and spend the remaining six days a week with the family. We had our ‘working’ week was well structured with lots of flexibility.

  • Monday – Adventures
  • Tuesday – Sleep/childcare
  • Wednesday – Friend to our house
  • Thursday – Mother’s group
  • Friday – Adventures

The kids and I loved the new life we had found, poor daddy had to work most of the time but joined us when he could. Our favourite place to go was Taronga Zoo, which we did regularly, as we were “Friends of the Zoo”. This membership was equivalent to the price of two zoo entry tickets and allowed us to go everyday if we wanted to for no extra cost.

Taronga Zoo was an hour away from our home, which gave us plenty of time to get excited by singing, “Mummy’s taking us to the zoo and we can stay all day,” our version of the classic Peter, Paul and Mary song.

Other places, our regular adventures took us were to Kindy gym, Playgroup and the ballroom at Macquarie Shopping Centre. The kids loved to hide under all the balls and ‘swim’ to  different spots, just to confuse me. As I no longer needed the nappy bag everywhere we went, planning didn’t need to be as specific and we could extend our adventures, wherever and whenever, we pleased. We loved following Dr Suess’s advice.

“You’re off to Great Places

Today is your day!

Your mountain is waiting,

So………..get on your way!’

                            Oh, The Places You’ll Go

Part 2

Part 1

Share Your World – 2014 Week 22

Week 2 of the fun from Cee’s photography challenge.

Regarding animals would you prefer not having them around or having domestic pets, farm animals, or seeing them in nature or the zoo?

I love animals and would not like to live in a world without them. Unfortunately, our cat died after living a long and full life in January this year. At present, we have no plans to replace him but we are enjoying the local cats coming to visit. I love zoos, and go regularly in Australia and when traveling overseas. Some of the new animals I have found are amazing.

Are you a collector of anything?

I have collected miniature bottles of alcohol for the last 30 years. I have approximately 175 of them divided into three display shelves.

A small selection

A small selection

If you could know the answer to any question, besides”What is the meaning of life?”, what would it be?

I am interested in success, how to get the most out of life and achieve your goals. As I have read Jack Canfield’s “The Success Principles,” and work in mental health, I have a reasonable understanding of these topics. However, you can never know enough, so I continue to learn on a daily basis..

If you were to treat yourself to the “finer things” what would you treat yourself to?

I am a simple girl so to me the “finer things” in life would be drinking french champagne from a crystal glass.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

This week I am grateful for Writing 101 as it is teaching me to make blogging a daily habit and allowing me to connect with some amazing people in the blogging community. In the upcoming week I am looking forward to continue to develop my relationships with the blogging world and only working three days instead of the usual five.

Share Your World -2014 Week 21

This week I discovered a  weekly challenge from Cee’s Photography. Each week Cee posts questions to have some fun, think outside the square and get to know each other better.

So let the fun begin.

 If you could make a 15 second speech to the entire world, what would you say?

Treat yourself and others with respect. Work together to achieve your goals and don’t let ‘failure’ (not achieving your goal the first time) stop you. Continue to review and give it a go, learning whatever you need to learn along the way. It’s all part of the journey.

If you could take a photograph, paint a picture or write a story of any place in the world. what where would  it be?

I would love to take a photograph of the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis.) This is an amazing natural phenomena that occurs in the northern hemisphere.

If you could spend one weekend alone in a single store but could remove nothing, which store would you pick?

My dream store to spend a weekend exploring alone would be Harrods. It is the biggest department store in Europe, occupying 5 acres and with a motto that means “all things for all people, everywhere” I should have plenty to entertain me.

If you were given a boat or yacht today, what would you name it? (You can always sell the yacht later.)

Inspired -which is also the french word for inspiration.

What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

As a new blogger I am grateful for the ‘how to information’ I have received from my fellow bloggers. During the up coming week I am looking forward to connecting more with the blogging community and my blog beginning to have followers.

Welcome to my world.