Write Twice, Publish Once

My father taught me an important rule of building is to measure twice, cut once. If you only measure once before you cut and your measurement is wrong there is no going back. As you can edit after publishing, this is not the same with blogging, however, I find that write twice, publish once helps with my writers block and assists the flow of my blog.

By writing on the topic from scratch each time, my creativity often flows in a different direction. There are always some key points that to my surprise, I frequently by chance write identical sentences to cover these topics. This information I take as the core to my topic and build the other ideas from each writing session to complete my blog.

To date, I have found the second attempt to be more creative and fills in the detail. This practice works best when there is a couple of days between writing segments. Don’t read what you have written prior to writing your second draft. Re reading your previous attempt may stop new ideas from flowing as your mind is biased by your words.

Next time you find yourself stuck, give my write twice, publish once technique a  try and let me know about your experience.

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Just Start

Zig Ziglar


Are you waiting for you path to have all the green lights in a row before you start your journey?Don’t. It will stop you from reaching your goal. Start somewhere. It is only by doing that you figure out the best path to take to reach your goal.Set your sights on finishing each task you begin. Leaving things half complete disempowers you. Keep going and finish where you originally planned. When you reach your goal reassess your situation and see if there is a further goal to set. It doesn’t matter how long it takes you to get there, you still get there if you start and keep working at it.

For me starting this blog took months in the planning stage, but I still needed to set it up and start blogging. I had no idea where to start I just did it. I slowly gathered momentum and then stopped when life got in the way. This meant that I needed to start again, which I did a fortnight ago. In this time I have learnt more about the realities of building a blog than I could have ever planned for. I now understand this blog is a work in progress and will take time to develop. My current goal is to interact daily with as many people as possible, grow my audience and develop a strong voice online.

If I had waited to know exactly what I was doing before I started, I wouldn’t be reaping the rewards from blogging that I am today. Listen to Zig Ziglar’s advice—start anywhere, it doesn’t matter where, then you will have the opportunity to finish where you want or need to.

Greetings, Stranger

You’re sitting at a café when a stranger approaches you. This person asks what your name is, and, for some reason, you reply. The stranger nods, “I’ve been looking for you.” What happens next?

I looked around the room to confirm the stranger was addressing me as he entered the room. There was nobody else, so I smiled and replied.

“How can I help you? Are you looking for me personally?”

“Yes, I have been following you for the last few months and wanted to give you some feedback” said the stranger.

“Okay.” I was curious but not concerned as the tone of the strangers voice was soft, gentle and affirming.

“I’m Sam. What would you like to tell me?”

“The reason I have been following you is several months ago you grabbed my mother and pulled her from the path of an oncoming bus, probably saving her life.”

“I remember. She is a sweet old lady. How is she going? My actions weren’t special, I only did what anyone else would have done in the circumstances.”

“I disagree,” said the stranger. “It wasn’t an isolated case was it?”

“No” I replied. “My New Years resolution has been to pay kindness forward. To lookout everyday for situations where I can give help, support or guidance to anyone in need.”

“And I am here to tell you that you have been doing an excellent job. My mother pointed you out after her incident as she knew who you were. Since then, I have seen you help many people from all walks of life.”

“Thanks! I enjoy seeing the gratitude and smiles on peoples faces after our connection.” I assured the stranger.

“I wanted to find you because my company wants to  reward people like yourself. I will be starting an award in your name to be given monthly to people in our community who go out of their way to help others. You will be the initial recipient and we will donate $500 to the charity of your choice.  You will receive a thank you certificate acknowledging your recognition.”

“I wasn’t expecting any reward, although supporting my favourite charity is an excellent way to continue the pay it forward principal. Thank you. I am honoured and humbled.”


The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel-Themes

Do you have movies that hold meaning for you from the first time you see them? What are the themes or life lessons of theses movie? Why do you enjoy it so much? One of these movies for me is the The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.

The first time I saw this movie was at the cinemas when it was first released. I had free movie tickets I needed to use before their expiry and I thought it looked like it would be fun. To me however, it turned out to be much more and I wanted to know why.

Recently, it was on television so I planned my night around it to ensure I didn’t miss seeing it again. This time, whilst still enjoying it, I was able to pick out the themes and life lessons it addressed, which helped me to understand my connection. Which ones do you connect with or did you get something else from the movie?

1. Finding your individual way in a world that is changing around you.

2. Growing older.

3. Cultural diversity.

4. Knowing when a relationship is past its expiry date.

5. Finding lost love.

6. Loneliness.

7. Listening and responding to others.

8. Treating people with respect and dignity.

9. Sexual Identity.

10. Team Work.

11. Non-compromising Standards.

12. Caste system.

13. Living your dream.

14. Discrimination.

15. Trying to hold things together.

16. Acceptance and understanding.

17. Fatalism.

18. Breaking down barriers.

19. Honesty.

20. Independence.

21. Generation Gap.

22. Having a double set of rules.

23. Set in your ways.

24. Like father, like son.

25. Putting things right.

26. Controlling mother.

27.  Letting go of the past.

28. Moving on.

The main quote used throughout the movie develops more power as the movie progresses. It is  a good code to life by, don’t stop—keep going until you get to the gold at the end of your rainbow.

“Everything will be alright in the end, so if it is not yet alright, it is not yet the end.”

Fathers Day

Today in Australia is Fathers Day. The day we honour, celebrate and recognise the role our fathers play in our life. I have put together an acrostic poem acknowledging some of the roles our fathers play in our lives. Can you think of anymore?


Friend, Family, Financial Support, Fun, Fitness


Anchor, Action Roles, Adaptability, Assertion, Acceptance, Authority, Affection, Appreciation


Teacher, Trainer, Taxi, Tease, Terrific, Time Manager


Helper, Honesty, Health


Encouragement, Example, Emotional Stability, Effective Problem Solving, Emulate Behaviour,


Responsibility, Role Model, Relationships, Repair, Respect


Supportive, Safety, Sympathetic Ear, Sports, Strength, Self Direction, Self Compassion,

Thanks for everything

Redwoods Forest

Coming from Australia I had only dreamed of standing in a forest of Californian Coastal Redwoods. These tall magnificent trees have fascinated me for decades. The first one I saw was as a child on television—I couldn’t believe my eyes. A tree so big you could drive through it. As an adult I know it as The Chandelier Drive Through Tree in Leggett, California. It is 2400 years old, 315 feet (96.1 metres) tall and has a diametre of 21 feet (6.4 metres).

On arrival in Rotorua, New Zealand imagine my surprise to discover there was a  forest that included Californian Coastal Redwoods. My dream had come true. This forest had a different energy to any other I had ever walked in. My husband agreed. It was inspirational. The forest gave me the feeling I could do anything while I was with them. The largest trees stand 67 metres (219 feet) tall and are 169 centimetres (66.5 inches) wide. They are the tallest trees that I had seen. They are part of The Redwoods Whakarewarewa Forest—a 55,000 hectare forest originally planted from 1899 to discover which of 170 species of trees from around the world would grow in the area.

Redwood Forest

Redwood Forest

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Today, The Redwood Whakarewarewa Forest has an international reputation for its walks and trails. Entry is free and it is used by mountain bikes, walkers, hikers and horse riders. A growing concern, the forest regularly opens new trails. Unfortunately our time in the Redwoods forest was short due to the impending park closing time. For me, the experience exceeded my dream and I look forward to spending more time with these magnificent trees during my future travels.

Sculptures at Forest Entrance

Sculptures at Forest Entrance

What are your favourite trees? How did you feel if you were fortunate enough to stand in a forest of them?

Change Your Body Position, Change Your Life.

If I told you about some amazing new research from Harvard that anyone could use, would you? Researchers Amy Cuddy and Dana Carney found changing your body position for as little as two minutes alters the testosterone and cortisol levels in your brain. Known as Power Poses, these changes can be planned or automatic.

Testosterone is the hormone associated with dominance and confidence. Cortisol is the hormone that measures your reactiveness to stress. People with high cortisol and low testosterone levels have little or no confidence and are very reactive to stress. On the other hand, people with low cortisol levels and high testosterone levels, are confident and able to manage stress well. They respond to stress, rather than react to it. Power Poses change the way you interact with yourself and as a result, how you interact with others.

This research is very valuable science. If you choose to use it, it can change you outcomes and your life. Give it a try. Next time you need some support or extra power to get through a difficult situation, try changing your body position. Make yourself big for two minutes. Use the changes in your brain to help you face your situation.

Just as powerful for this research is being aware of your everyday body positions. If you are regularly making yourself small, even by default, remember you are changing your brains chemistry. Get into the habit of sitting up and looking up. Be mindful of your body positions and give yourself an advantage.



Share Your World – 2014 Week 35

1. Have your blogging goals changed?

As a new blogger with a two month hiatus, I am still finding my voice. When I first started blogging, I thought having followers was the most important. However, now I realise it is the number of views and where the people viewing my blog come from that are the most exciting. Slowly but surely my numbers are increasing—both the number of views my blog receives as well as the number of countries my viewers come from. Today getting into new country is what excites me the most. The smaller or more remote the better. At present I have been viewed by people in 13 countries.

2. If your were to perform in the circus what would you do?

In the circus I would be the ringmaster. The person who is responsible for ensuring that the show must go on. The person who joins all the acts together . I would also like to have some hidden surprise acts in the show that I am involved with. The more fun the better.

Graphix Credit: Snogirl

Graphix Credit: Snogirl

3. If you could go back and talk to yourself at age 18 what advice would you give yourself. Or if you are younger than 25 what words of wisdom would you tell yourself at 45?

My advice to my 18 year old self would be:

  • Take 100% responsibility for your life.
  • Trust and rely upon your personal values to make any decisions.
  • Set goals and follow them through to completion. Break them down into smaller steps if necessary.
  • Have strong boundaries and integrity.
  • Build personal resilience.
  • Focus on the positive and move forward. Don’t dwell on the negative—find that spark of hope.
  • Be your own person. Recognise that you’ll never please everyone.

4. What is your favourite comfort snack food?

I don’t have a specific comfort snack food. It depends on the time of day, the circumstances and what food is currently available. Often it would involve some type of chocolate—particularly dark chocolate. I must need to the endorphins and antioxidants.


The World Needs Your Smile



Smiling is a universal language, everyone can speak. A smile says:

  • Hi
  • I understand
  • Have a nice day
  • It can be a way of sharing a joke or passion without saying a word
  • It connects you with others

A smile can change your mood, even if it is forced. Next time you see someone not smiling, give them one of yours—it can be infectious. When someone doesn’t want to acknowledge you, the more you acknowledge them by smiling at them, the harder it is for them to continue to ignore you. Your welcoming smile can break down barriers, so spread some sunshine around today.


The Road Less Travelled

How do you plan an overseas holiday? If you are like most people, you will either go on a booked tour or go to the easy to get to tourist travel destinations. No doubt these will give you a great holiday, however they will limit your ability to get a real feel for the country you are visiting and learn to rely on yourself. Over the past few years my husband and I have been to China twice, New Zealand and are currently planning a trip to Canada (in winter) using the Do-It-Yourself holiday method, which takes you on the road less travelled. The secret to out of the way travel is to know how you are going to get from point A to point B before you book your accommodation. We were caught on this on when traveling from Nanjing to Wuhu in China. Our initial plan was to catch the train between these cities, so we booked accommodation next to the train station. Easy. No drama or so we thought. However, because of the time of year we were travelling, we were unable  to get a seat on any train, so a plan B needed to be put into action. Fortunately, we were able to book a private car, however as the cost is based on the distance travelled our costs were double what they needed to be. This is because we could have booked accommodation  near Nanjing airport, which is actually in the middle between Nanjing and Wuhu.

Source: Google Images

Source: Google Images

Other tips we have learnt  planning our road less travelled holidays include:

  • Check public transport when travelling as it may be limited to certain days of the week so you may need to allocate more days in an area that you had previously planned.
  • Make a plan about how and what you will eat on your holiday. If eating is a concern stay at an international hotel where you will have more choice and in our case some English speakers.
  • Not everywhere in the world has local pamphlets of places to visit. Do your homework before you leave home and take copies of where you want to go and how you will get there with you.
  • Learn any local customs especially what not to do in the country you are visiting.
  • Where possible arrive in a new country during daylight hours, when everything is less scarier than at midnight. However, this is not always an option.

Join us on the road less travelled and see how other people and cultures live. What unusual places have you visited?