Two In The Bush

Clichés become clichés for a reason. Tell us about the last time a bird in the hand was worth two in the bush for you.

Personally, this is not a phrase I use. However, it is a phrase I heard often growing-up. It is a cliché that means giving up something guaranteed for the possibility of something better in the future.

Sometimes, we all need to make decisions.  When making them,  if we are not careful, it is easy to over look the bird in our hand.  Sometimes, it is either something or someone we have known for a long time e.g. friends, jobs or houses that we leave behind as we go looking for something better. The secret here, I believe is to keep the bird in our hand until we find another one that suits us better. Many people decide to take the bigger risk and give up the bird in their hand, to go wholeheartedly after the new bird, without success.

For me, I like security. I take calculated risks however I won’t give up my bird in the hand until I have found the new ones and they are in my hand.  Being a nurse if I want or need to leave a job I have always been able to find another one even if it only casual. On the odd occasion years ago was  I have been caught by this as staff freezes have stopped me obtaining work when I want it.

Today, when making changes I consider all the risks and where possible will keep a bird in the hand .  Over the next few years, I hope my job description will change from nurse to full-time writer. I will however be staging these changes. I will balance my life by changing from nursing full-time to part-time nursing/part-time writer and finally completing the journey by becoming a full-time writer after I have caught my second bird.