Christmas Calendar 2017 #6

I am good at starting and making plans to seek the truth about my goals. Where I get stuck is finishing them off. I am often distracted along the way by great excuses, but they don’t help.

The main truth I want to achieve in 2018 is to be a published writer. In order to get there I need to focus on completing the editing phase and pluck up the courage to hand my manuscript over to my publisher. It has come along way since the first draft many years ago, so let’s bring on its time to shine.


Christmas Calendar 2017 #5

The more we practise something the better we get at it. But as the quote suggests the more specific we are with whatever we are doing,  the more easily we can replicate it. I have certainly found this with my writing and editing. Once a difficult task for me, through blogging I have found I can naturally improve my flow and style.

Christmas Calendar 2017 # 1

Welcome to Inspiring Max’s 2017 Christmas Calendar countdown. This year I have decided to mix it up a bit and do the twelve days of Christmas.

Every Christmas is colour themed in our family. All family members despite age can nominate any colour or combination of colours and lobby others to get their vote. Last years winner and the colour of this years Christmas Calendar was Grey and Lavendar, affectionately known as Gravendar.

Christmas Calendar 2016 #25


Day 25

Merry Christmas Everyone! Thank you for being a part of Inspiring Max’s family and helping to create lasting memories and traditions in the blogosphere.

Let’s spread the love, kindness and joy that is the Christmas spirit with people everywhere and remember,

“Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, doesn’t come from a store.” Dr. Seuss