A Ray of Hope

Imagine we lived in a world that’s all of a sudden devoid of color, but where you’re given the option to have just one object keep its original hue. Which object (and which color) would that be?

I love colour. It brightens my day and lifts my mood. I would struggle living in a monotone world of black and white initially—although after time I would adapt. The problem isn’t in the black and white—they are stark contrasts and have their own sharpness because of it—the problem is all the shades of grey in between.

To contrast the lack of colour, I would choose to keep the rainbow. I see the rainbow as a symbol of hope. Hope—that after the storm, there can be a beautiful ending. It would remind me of the colours that can come and brighten our world again. Even if colours never do return to our world—the rainbow would inspire hope that they are going to.

All my life when I see a rainbow—I instantly dream about the pot of gold at the end of it. The one, I heard about in so many childhood stories. I now use rainbows to remember to dream, smile and make plans for my future.


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Rainbows need both water and sunlight to be created, so by ensuring a supply of rainbows, I am ensuring a supply of both of these natural elements— necessary for life.


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