Obsolete Communication

Of all the technologies that have gone extinct in your lifetime, which one do you miss the most?

For me, technologies have been a great addition to my life however I think they have been at a cost. It’s the art of communication that I miss. The planned time to communication what is going on in my life with family and friends in personal or by personal letter.

I love sitting down regularly talking one to one with others, getting to know them or keeping in touch on a personal level. The problem is everyone is so busy these days that this doesn’t happen regularly anymore.

I used to love the anticipation of waiting for an expected letter in the mail, the joy of reading about their lives and thinking about what to put in my letter in return mail. The motivating factor for me was remembering the quicker I wrote back, the quicker my next letter would come. Email doesn’t have the same excitement for me as although I still receive them, these emails get lost in my sea of daily emails and I fail to reply quickly.

Christmas cards are another nearing obsolete way to communicate I enjoy.  Last Christmas we were away so  my excitement of receiving regular mail that weren’t bills and hearing about family and friends lives didn’t happen. Neither did our Christmas letter telling them and reminding ourselves what happened in our world during the last 12 months. I find this a great memory jogger and as all the family is involved in its creation, we know it is an accurate record for our future.

While technologies continue to advance us in so many ways let’s make regular plans to make dates with the special people in our world—even a 5 minute “how was your day catch up” can make a difference and may open the doors to longer more personal conversations.


5 thoughts on “Obsolete Communication

  1. Never did letters… But I was into actual phone calls! CONVERSATIONS! Not texting? I do miss Christmas Cards… I guess I could send them?

  2. I agree! My preference for communicating is text and then I realize i need to slow down. Plus it always seems as if everyone is so busy I never know when is a good time to call

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