Let Go

“Getting over painful experiences is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward”     C.S.Lewis

Photo Credit: Google Images

When I was young I loved playing on the monkey bars. I stood on the side rungs, arms outstretched, one on the first top rung, the other on the second as I considered my next move. My heart pounded as I felt the anxiety. Was I was brave enough to let go.

Every time without failure I stood frozen feeling the pain. I knew what I had to do, take a deep breath, a leap of faith and away I went.

Getting over the painful experiences life throws our way is the same. We have to stand on the edge, take a deep breath, reach out and let go. The first time is the hardest, however the more we do it, the stronger we get and the easier moving forward is.

Do you have to let go of any pain at present to move forward? If so, I hope this powerful quote from C.S.Lewis can motivate you in you time of need.

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