Dreams Not Nightmares

Describe the last nightmare you remember having. What do you think it meant?

Fortunately I don’t have nightmares. I do however have dreams that disturb my sleep and wake me up. They always relate to an issue that I need to deal with, usually work related. When this happens I review the situation and work out what I need to do next. My dreams generally:

  • Allow me to move on or let go
  • Clarify a situation
  • Draw my attention to watch this space even if I choose not to do anything about it at the time
  • Direct my writing
  • Give me clues about how to manage something
  • Helps me deal with stress
  • Point out things that are on my mind
  • Predict how a situation with play out in life
  • Reveals a different level of insight into the situation

I love how my dreams support me. I process what they are telling me and deal with the issue, however I see fit when. Sometimes I can’t put my finger on the exact problem until it comes up in my dreams to give me the final bit of insight.


One thought on “Dreams Not Nightmares

  1. Indeed dreams are just the best. I am often amazed at what unfolds while I am sleeping and like you I find them a source of solutions and inspiration. Great post. Thank you.

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