Change Your Body Position, Change Your Life.

If I told you about some amazing new research from Harvard that anyone could use, would you? Researchers Amy Cuddy and Dana Carney found changing your body position for as little as two minutes alters the testosterone and cortisol levels in your brain. Known as Power Poses, these changes can be planned or automatic.

Testosterone is the hormone associated with dominance and confidence. Cortisol is the hormone that measures your reactiveness to stress. People with high cortisol and low testosterone levels have little or no confidence and are very reactive to stress. On the other hand, people with low cortisol levels and high testosterone levels, are confident and able to manage stress well. They respond to stress, rather than react to it. Power Poses change the way you interact with yourself and as a result, how you interact with others.

This research is very valuable science. If you choose to use it, it can change you outcomes and your life. Give it a try. Next time you need some support or extra power to get through a difficult situation, try changing your body position. Make yourself big for two minutes. Use the changes in your brain to help you face your situation.

Just as powerful for this research is being aware of your everyday body positions. If you are regularly making yourself small, even by default, remember you are changing your brains chemistry. Get into the habit of sitting up and looking up. Be mindful of your body positions and give yourself an advantage.



The Modern Day Campfire

Throughout history the campfire has been central to the families well-being, providing warmth, food and light. Watching the flames dance is also mesmerizing.

Last year we decided to return to this family tradition and purchased a Chiminea. Initially, we were unsure how often we would use it but from day one, we were hooked. The first time it was lit my husband and daughter (the impatient ones), decided they had waited long enough for me to come home, so on my return I found them out the back looking very cozy, drink in hand watching the fire. I quickly joined them however there was one problem—someone needed to get dinner.

Over the past year, we have worked hard to find a way to cook diner in our Chiminea. The answer turned out to be simple. Place a few fire bricks at the back of the Chiminea and rest a good quality heat resistant grill pan (one that fits into the front hole) on them.

Personal wood-fire pizza oven

Personal wood-fire pizza oven

Finally, the big day came. We were testing our theory by making our own wood-fired pizza in our ‘oven.’ Using a shop bought pizza base and my daughters favourite toppings—we were ready to test our experiment. “Would it work?” “Yes or no, this was the question.” The first one worked perfectly and tasted amazing. We were excited as the possibilities seemed endless.

Tasted as good as it looks

Tasted as good as it looks

Now we can cook outside, like the cavemen before us and we never have to leave the fire. Do you cook in your Chiminea? If so, what do you cook? I would love to hear your ideas.

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

A very big thank you to Marilyn from Write Beside the Sea for nominating me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I am excited and honoured to receive this award from a fellow blogger and grateful people are finding my thoughts inspiring—my goal. Write By The Sea is a blog that  covers a range of topics—including books she has read and is  worth dropping by.

Here are the guidelines for the award:

Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.

List the rules and display the award.

Share seven facts about yourself.

Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.

Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated  you.

Share seven facts about yourself.

1. I started this blog on Mother’s Day as a present to myself. I had been planning it for a while and suddenly decided to take the risk. I am so pleased I did.

2. I am currently editing my book on eating disorder recovery, which I hope will be ready to publish next year.

3. August is my favourite month because of my birthday. It also means Spring is nearly here and I love the flowers blooming and the baby animals.

4. I can knit in the dark.

5. I love road trips to the country looking for inspiration—it’s everywhere.

6. Inspired by this award I started my Facebook page for Inspiring Max.

7.I love to travel independent of organised tours. Seeing real people in their natural environment, it’s scarier at times but more rewarding.

My 15 Nominations are:

B’s Words



Wendy’s Window to the World

My Simple Blog

Unconventional Adventures

Love Happy Notes

Greatsnaps,Goodtimes & Me

Mellow and the Wildling

Tryingsohardtobegood’s Blog

So This is Thirty nine

Meredith’s Musings

Celebrating Sunshine

Macs Moments

Kate’s Clippings

Why Am I Here?

I have previously done the Blogging 101 challenge however am repeating it to connect with more people and to find new ways to improve my blog. There are many things I didn’t connect with last time and I hope to attempt them this time and see what happens. At present, this feels daunting but the personal growth is always from outside your comfort zone. While I have done this challenge before I am hoping to extend myself even further and continue to find my online voice.

The concept of Inspiring Max was created in my head a few years ago, but like all good things it has taken its time to develop. I have chosen to write this blog under my family nick name, to allow me more creativity, and not to have my ideas biased. Through Inspiring Max, I want to connect with people and share my thoughts, experiences and travels with the world. I will also blog on things I have found useful and inspiring. The secret of success  is understanding what your audience wants, so I am very keen to receive your feedback and ideas.

My interests are learning new things, meeting new people and enjoy exchanging ideas and information. The world is a fascinating place and I think blogging can bring everyone closer. Having spend all my working life with people face to face, using the written word online is a new experience that I am excited about taking up the challenge of.

For the last 50 years, I have led a relatively sheltered life and through Inspiring Max, I want to ‘put myself out there and see where the journey takes me.’ I hope that you will stay a while and join me on my journey.

This year I plan to self-publish my book Inspiring Hope: How Eating Disorder recovery Is Possible, which is based on my experiences working with patients over the last 20 years with people recovering form an eating disorder as a professional working in the field.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”  Lao-tzu



Happy Mother’s Day

Today is Mothers Day, the day we celebrate and thank all our mothers. I am lucky enough not only to have regular contact with my mother but also my step mother and my mother-in-law, who all play a significant role in my life and have helped shape the type of mother I choose to be.

There is a statement that says “if the mother is okay, the family is okay”, I believe this to be true, what do you think? Mothers are the stabilise the family. The person who put everyone’s needs above their own to ensure the family functions as well as it can, despite whatever else is going on. While, at times this can be admiral, it is important that mothers teach their children to meet their own needs and grow into independent thinkers, who can take care of themselves. As a mother what are you teaching your children?

Happy Mothers Day


Thanks for everything!