Share Your World – December 4th, 2017

What household chore do you absolutely hate doing?  

Basically anything that relates to cleaning. I am good with the cooking and even washing the dishes but scrubbing, wiping and dusting don’t do it for me. The only advantage of working full time was that I had a cleaner however working part time I can’t justify it.

At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive? 

We are currently on holiday in Western Australia. Being on the other side of the country there are many new things to explore and learn about. Watching the sunset over the ocean this evening was different as living on the east coast we usually see the sunrise over the ocean.

How many times have you moved in the last ten years?

Over the last 10 years we have moved 4 times. Our latest move back to Newcastle last year I am hoping will be my last. We are currently considering our first ever renovations to make our forever house how we want it to be before we retire in the next few years. It’s a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

What inspired you or what did you appreciate this past week?  

Last Saturday night I was lucky enough to see Paul McCartney in concert. It was my husband’s birthday and he is a huge fan, so I went to enjoy the night with him. Prior to the concert I was not a fan but I must say it changed my world. The creativity and personal connectedness was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Not bad for a 75 year old.


Share Your World – December 4, 2017