Sleep Equals Beauty

Sleep is one-third of our lives: write a post about it. Do you love naps? Have trouble falling alseep? Wish you could remember your dreams? Remember something especially vivid? Snuggle under a blanket, or throw the windows wide open? Meditate on sleep.

Sleep rejuvenates you. I knew that but I don’t think I fully understood its meaning until I this video by researchers out of London. It shows very clearly the impact on skin of having 6 hours sleep each night instead of 8 hours. Personally I rarely get 8 hours as I have such a long commute in the morning however aiming for 7 – 7.5 is probably a realistic goal and cheaper than all the correction make-up required if I don’t.

Other benefits of more sleep include:

  • Better mood
  • Increased metabolism
  • Increased concentration
  • Improved memory
  • Helps creativity
  • Improves athletic performance
  • Improves attention
  • Increases well-being
  • Improves ability to study
  • Reduces stress