
Have you ever had a mentor? What was the greatest lesson you learned from him or her?

Make the most of every opportunity—the good, the bad and the ugly

Educate yourself and experiment

Nobody is an instant expert

Trial and error allows you to understand the process

Open up and attempt new things

Respect everyone and the job they do

Instructions need to be understood—keep asking for clarification until you get them

Nutrition, nurture and nature—access them daily

Goal setting is essential—not an optional extra

K – Kangaroos #A – Z Challenge

Kangaroos are unique Australian animals people everywhere fall in love with. They are cute particularly the young ones. Wrestling is a natural instinct to kangaroos and I have seen many an unsuspecting visitor get caught off-guard as the kangaroo they were just feeding, decides to practice their boxing skills on them. The kangaroo photos below of a friendly pet kangaroo were taken in a restaurant and animal sanctuary.

In non city areas kangaroos are sometimes in plague proportions and they can be very dangerous hopping across highways and roads. Kangaroos are the most common animal to be hit with over 7,000 accidents being caused by them each year. The most dangerous time is sunrise and sunset as they are out and about looking for food. The two video give different insights into kangaroos behaviours, habits and how they live in our big wide country.