Tears of Joy

We cry for lots of reasons: sadness, pain, fear . . . and happiness. When was the last time you shed tears of joy?

Psychologists now believe the purpose of tears of joy may be for the body to “restore emotional equilibrium”. This possibly explains why you can never stop tears coming, they are just there like an overflowing bath.

I am a sensitive person and I cry easily. Both tears of joy and sadness. I am more likely to cry tears of joy as I respond to other people’s statements, personal memories or connect with something. When people tell me happy things I get teary because I am happy for them. As I am a nurse and counselor, this is sometimes initially a surprise to the other person. The chances of me crying are doubled if the person I am listening to is describing how something I suggested to them worked out well. For this reason I have to watch the mascara I use or I live my life with panda eyes.

Photo Credit: Google Images

Photo Credit: Google Images

The last time I cried tears of joy was today, New Years eve in Canada. My husband showed me video of Sydney’s New Year’s eve fireworks. This took me back to my usual New Years eve in Sydney with family. We have a nice family dinner at home and when it is time for the fireworks, we go for a short walk to a position from which we can see some of the high fireworks from the Sydney harbour bridge live and several other fireworks displays going off all over Sydney. It is exciting. On our return home, we watch the television version to see the lower fireworks that we missed.

Happy New Year everyone. I hope 2015 bring you all great joy.
