The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly has unknown origins but has strong learning for each of us to consider about what we need to fly—sometimes things are not as they seem.


A man finds a butterfly cocoon, which develops a small hole. Over several hours, he notices the butterfly struggling to force its body through the small hole.

After a period, the man noticed that the butterfly appeared stop progressing. In an attempt to be helpful, the man decides to cut the cocoon open.  The butterfly emerged easily however its body was swollen and it had small-shrivelled wings.

The man continued to watch the butterfly expecting at any moment the wings to enlarge and expand enough to support the body.

Neither happened!

In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around the ground. It was never able to fly.

What the man in his kindness and haste did not realise was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle by the butterfly to break free was nature’s way of forcing the fluid out of the butterfly’s body and into its wings so that it is ready for flight when the butterfly emerged.

Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. They allow us to overcome obstacles that would otherwise cripple us. Without them, we are unable to fly.  We can get impatient when we think nothing is changing and begin to lose hope.  This is the time to look back at how far we have come and remember a firm foundation takes time to build. Everyone’s journeys is a unique experience, and there are no maps.

Like the butterfly’s journey out of the cocoon, the struggles, we overcome in life, develop the strengths we need. Life has an odd way of putting the challenges we require in our path.  It is important to notice what we learn from each experience—the good, the bad and the ugly. This is true for all areas of everyone’s life.

This butterfly effect has come into play since I began my blogging journey. I started my blog back in May and followed the advice of a blog builder to set it up. This worked really well except—I didn’t understand what I was doing. I actually didn’t even understand that I had set up a self-hosted blog or the struggles it would create for me.  In the long term, a self-hosted blog was my goal, but not necessarily in the beginning, before I had an audience.

Now is the time my blog is squeezed through the hole and I figure out what I need to do to get it working. Originally, I couldn’t get any stats as my Jetpack wasn’t working, which was frustrating. I was definitely growing as a writer but had no audience, so life got busy and I stopped blogging for six weeks.

In August, I returned to my blog and was able to restart my Jetpack account only to realise—surprise, surprise—I had followers from Writing 101. Inspiring Max was developing its own online voice and I was beginning to fly. I have learnt a lot through my struggles to develop my blog and they have made me a stronger, more confident beginner blogger.

Welcome to my world.


Beer Please?

We arrived at the cafe in our hotel after an exhausting 22 hours in transit from Sydney, Australia to Zhenzhou, China. She was the first person we met and looked younger than her years. Her Chinese hospitality uniform stole any individuality she had. She was humble and worked hard trying to communicate with us despite her very broken English.

“Hello” she said. Handing us a menu.

“Hi” replied my husband, asking if she had any dark beer. She looked confused and began pointing at pictures understanding the word beer.

“This one?” she asked

“No” replied my husband.

“This one?”


“I get help” she said and slowly walked to get her friend. She returned with her friend who appeared eager to help and looked at my husband.

“Do you have dark beer?” he asked.

“Yes, I think this one” she said as she pointed to a German dark beer written in Chinese.

“Yes” he said. Both girls looked at each other and smiled broadly, proud that  together they had met the needs of this Australian traveller.

“I get for you” replied our first waitress and she returned with the beer and a free bowl of beer nuts. My husband loved it.

This interaction began the nightly ritual of our stay in Zhenzhou.  During the day every time we walked passed the cafe our new friends would smile and wave if they were working and saw us.

Great Expectations

How high are your expectations? One issue regularly struggled with is how high to set your expectations. If you set them too low, your expectations are achieved but they mean little as they were too easy.

“A calm sea never made a skilled sailor.” Anonymous

On the flip side—if you are to set the bar too high it becomes impossible to reach and you give up. This is frustrating and convinces you not to start.

The answer is to make your expectations great and achievable. Set realistic expectations at each stage. Let’s pretend that your great expectation is to sail in the Sydney to Hobart yacht race considered to be one of the most difficult ocean races in the world.

It is dangerous to think you would be able to do this as your first sailing experience. To achieve this great expectation, you would need to set various smaller challenges to build the skills required to achieve your ultimate goal— The Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race.

Possible goals may include:

1. Learn to sail.

2. Practice your skills in calm conditions.

3. Learn to read the weather and understand what a change in the conditions can mean and how to manage them. Out to sea there is no protection and unfortunately rescue and death are real options that need to be addressed.

4. Increase the difficulty of your sailing conditions to increase your skills.

5. Join a sailing club and begin yacht racing as a crew member.This will give you experience on decisions needing to be quickly and followed through. It can be an adrenaline rush as you realise that by tacking (changing direction and sailing into the wind), suddenly you can be  leading the race.

6. When possible increase the size of the yachts you are crewing on to gain different experience and increase your skills.

7. When the opportunity presents itself, crew on yachts as they go in smaller ocean racing classics. If this yacht enters the Sydney To Hobart you will become familiar with the yacht which will help develop your confidence.

8. Learn as much as you can about the race and conditions of the Sydney To Hobart Yacht Race. Join a crew, understand the risks and enjoy achieving your great expectation.


Share Your World 2014 – Week 41

Would you rather take pictures or be in pictures?

I like a mixture of both. Taking photos allows me the freedom to notice my environment and be in control of what is taken, rather than relying on others to do it for me. Alternatively, I like to be in photos as proof  I was there and so I can remember the experience later. The older I get the more I like reviewing old photos and seeing how things have changed. I am not bothered by how I look in a photo—it is what it is—maybe it reflects how I looked at the time or the photographers skill.  It is still me.

What did you enjoy doing most this week?

This week I was home all week due to illness, so I got to sleep in, blog  and edit. I loved it and could easily adapt to this lifestyle—minus of course the being ill.

What is your greatest extravagence?

At present my greatest extravagance is overseas travel. I am making up for lost time and enjoying going overseas every year. Next month my husband and I head to Canada for our first white Christmas. We can’t wait.

Which letter of the alphabet describes you best?

M – Mum

M – Motivator

M – Mentor

M – Max

M – Monitor

What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Last week I am grateful for the discussion with Balboa Press about the possibility of me self-publishing my book with them next year. Very exciting and scary at the same time. They were my first choice to self-publish with.

Next week I am looking for to going back to work and my usual routine.

Without Fear

At what age did you realize you were not immortal? How did you react to that discovery?

Immortality is a funny thing. I don’t think I ever thought I was immortal, however, when I was young fear was not something I considered before doing anything. I don’t see this as a bad thing either. Before being a teenager, I can clearly remember playing with snakes, jumping of the 10 metre diving platform without any care or training—just for fun and swinging on the swings so high that I nearly went the whole way around. It was a feeling of freedom.

Somewhere in my teenage years fear crept into my life—or maybe it was just an understanding that things can go wrong. This was confirmed in my senior years of high school when I was affected by two fatal car accidents. One involved other school students and the second, a personal family friend. They were all my age. Death suddenly became a reality—not something to focus on, but a reality. This same year, my beloved grandfather also suddenly died while on holidays—unfortunately I never got to tell him that I became a nurse.

Yes, there are a lot of things that can happen—good and bad. But, if you focus on the bad you will never get to experience the good. It is for this reason that I decided years ago to always focus on the positive. Even in difficult situations there is always a silver lining—something to be learnt from it. This is how we grow through pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone. Afterall, there are only two guarantees in life—death and taxes. And while my personal goal is to live to be 100 with a great quality of life, if I don’t get to achieve this goal, I want to look back on my life and say with confidence—fear didn’t stop me giving it a go.


Gone With The Wind

You get to spend a day inside your favorite movie. Tell us which one it is — and what happens to you while you’re there.

Growing up I loved Gone With the Wind. Scarlett O’Hara was the first stubborn, manipulative, capable female character, I connected with. She was my role model. Being a child, I didn’t notice her relationship difficulties or three husbands. I only had eyes for the fact that she could do anything she set her mind to and everyone loved her even those who hated her.

This year is 75 years since Gone with The Wind was released. Today, through Daily Prompt, I have the opportunity to become involved in this great movie and see what it teaches me. Coming from Australia I knew little about American history, the setting of this movie. It is a civil war romance and the passion for the cause was something that I had never seen before. This backdrop to the story gives it drama and purpose. Casting the main characters correctly— Scarlett and Rhett—was so important to the director that he held up production until both were available. A secret that did pay off in the end with the film winning 10 Academy Awards including Hattie McDaniel—the first African American to win an Oscar for her role as Mammie.


Photo Credits: Google

The story theme for me was Scarlett’s determination to do whatever she had to for herself and her family. This was in strong opposition to the role many women played putting others before themselves and not standing up for their rights.


Photo Credits: Google

Scarlett’s strength was the focus of much controversy, but also admired by others. Unfortunately for Scarlett, she didn’t understand herself well and was guilty of not thinking about the consequences before taking action.

So what have I learnt from my time with Gone With The Wind?

  • Believe in yourself.
  • Do what you have to do, but to be truly successful consider the impact of your actions on others. You may still go ahead anyway—plan for problems.
  • Change is necessary.
  • Don’t judge a book by its cover. Support can come from the anyone at anytime.
  • Ask for what you need.
  • Sometimes you need to wait for the timing to be right. Don’t settle for second best.
  • Freedom is worth fighting for.
  • If you want something done, do it yourself.
  • Don’t give up.
  • Hard work can rebuild your life.

And lastly my favourite quote:

scarlett tomorrow

Photo Credits: Google

Liebster Award

In the last week I have been honoured and excited to be nominated twice for the Liebster Award for new bloggers.

Thank you and for your recognition and encouragement. It is rewarding to know that other bloggers are enjoying what I write on my blog.


The Liebster Award has German origins. The word “liebster” has several definitions: dearest, sweetest, kindest, nicest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, welcome, sweetheart and boyfriend.

It aims to discover new bloggers and welcome them to the blogosphere. Bloggers award other bloggers. Here are the rules for accepting the Liebster award:

  • Post the award on your blog.
  • Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog.
  • Write 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 200 followers.
  • Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions.

Here are my 11 random facts:

1. I am a Leo.

2. I once ate cucumber sandwiches at Government House.

3. I write on coloured note pads—I don’t like white.

4. I have a new toy—a reflex punching ball.

5. I can’t sing but love karaoke.

6. Last year, I saw The Seekers in concert.

7. I love attending writers courses.

8. My favourite pet is a bunny rabbit.

9. In China, I like to drink Peach Tea.

10. My first house was in a coal mine.

11. I wish I could memorise my speeches

My 11 questions for you:

  1. If you wrote a book what genre would it be?
  2. Is WordPress you whole life right now?
  3. What current issue in the news are you passionate about?
  4. Do you like to get together with a small group of friends or do you like big parties?
  5. Do you prefer cities, small towns or being in a more remote area?
  6. When you travel do you like to rough it or do you prefer a hotel with all the amenities?
  7. Do you feel you really need to be in constant communication with friends on Facebook, text, twitter or other social media?
  8. Do you enjoy time to yourself, solitude?
  9. Do you need to have a special place in your home or elsewhere where it is quiet to write?
  10. Are you a romantic?
  11. What type of music do you enjoy?

My 11 Answers:

1. I have written a non-fiction book on how eating disorder recovery is possible—knowledge from a professional.

2. Not quite. I am also attempting to finish editing my book so I can publish it next year.

3. Mental health week last week otherwise, I don’t watch the news.

4. Small groups these days.

5. I would love to live in the country again but close enough to have the city services and not when I am still working.

6. Depends where I am travelling. Overseas definitely in a recognised safe hotel. I am also partial to a weekend camping away in the bush—complete with a dig your own toilet.

7. No. Most of the time I live in my own little world finding out what i need to at some stage.

8.  Yes. That is why I love writing. I speak to people all day every day at work. Home is me time.

9. I have taken over the back room but I also write a lot on the train.

10. Yes.

11. Songs with meaning to their words.

Second set of questions:

  1. Which do you find more tiresome – shoveling snow or dealing with mosquitoes and other warm weather pests?
  2. Bottled water or tap water, and why?
  3. Assuming you are omnivorous, could you live a year as a vegan?
  4. What is your favourite vegetarian meal?
  5. Baseball, football, basketball, hockey or Dancing with the Stars?
  6. Do you have a hobby or pastime (besides blogging)? What is it?
  7. If you could make a living blogging, would you leave your current employment?
  8. If you could afford any lifestyle you choose, what would it be?
  9. Television: which do you prefer – sitcoms or crime dramas? Other?
  10. What is one healthy habit you wish you could develop?
  11. Children? Or pets?

My 11 Answers:

1. I have never shoveled snow. Maybe this year on our trip to Canada I may get the experience. Mossies and flies can be very annoying however.

2. Tap water. We add flouride to it and it tastes good. Why pay for something I don’t need to.

3. No, I could never be vegan as I would struggle to get all of my nutrition being allergic to peanuts and unable to eat nut meat. There are also too many restriction on other things in a vegans life.

4. Chiili beans.

5. Dancing with the stars unless it is a major football game—rugby league, rugby union or aussie rules, not soccer.

6. Knitting although I don’t do it much anymore these days.

7. In a couple of years. I am getting to old for the commute.

8. Living in the country on the beach being a full-time writer and travelling overseas regularly.

9. Depends on the show—mostly I think sitcoms.

10. Exercising more regularly

11. Children. My two are adults now and would like a pet but if they get one it will be their responsibility not mine.

.And here are my 15 Blogger nominations—can’t count—no actually with two awards and more new bloggers to recognise I thought I would pay it forward to more. I didn’t quite have enough for 11 each. Some of my friends I have been following for some time, and some I have recently discovered. If you get the chance stop by I know they would love a visit.

My 11 questions for you are:

1. Which brand and flavour potato chips do you prefer?

2. What is the strangest thing you have ever done?

3. What is your favourite flower?

4. What part of Australia would you like to visit?

5. What is your preferred way to spend the afternoon—blogging excluded.

6. What is the weirdest fact you know?

7. If you could have any job in the world for a week, what would you choose?

8. What is the best advice your mother ever told you?

9. What wish would you ask a gene for?

10. What two words best describe you?

11. What animal scares you the most?


Weekly Photo Challenge: Refraction

This week, let’s play with light! Show us what refraction means to you.

Vivid Sydney is an annual light, music and technology event held every year in May and June. It is a unique event—sometimes described as the world’s largest art gallery. This years festival highlights include:

IMG_6535 IMG_6561 IMG_6567 IMG_6569 IMG_6586 IMG_6557IMG_6592 Definitely worth venturing out on a winter night to see if you are in Sydney at this time of year.

Where are you?

What’s your earliest memory involving another person? Recreate the scene — from the other person’s perspective.

I spent most of my early life living in the bush. Our home was the mine managers cottage of a working coal mine. We were isolated from the mine itself, so we saw very few people. At home was mum, dad, me (5) and sister (3).


My sister was always wandering off. She was the brave one. Or, as some people say, the stupid one. Anyone would think I am the oldest. I have more sense. I know wild animals are dangerous and there are plenty around here:

  • Snakes
  • Dingoes
  • Foxes
  • Brumbies—free roaming feral horses
  • Possums
  • Birds—especially magpies
  • Feral Cats

“Where is you?” I asked.

“Over here, in the long grass with my friend Sam, ” replied Max.

“Who is Sam?”

“Sam snake. Isn’t he beautiful.”

“Max, leave him. Come and play with me.”

“But look how big he is.”

“I don’t like snakes.”

“They won’t hurt you. They just lye in the sun.”

“I don’t think so, they’re scary.”

“His skin is so shiny. I want to touch it.”

“Stop” I yelled. “Mum, she’s playing with the snakes again.”

“Okay, okay. What do you want to play?”

“I want to ride our scooters”

“Go get them and I’ll be over in a minute”

“You better come or I’m telling mum.”


There was one concrete path between our house and the outback toilet. This was the only place we could ride. It was wide enough for two small girls to play together and expend some energy. We spent many hours in the early years entertaining ourselves with this and other activities— always waiting and hoping for someone to visit and break the boredom.





What About Me?

Did you know today is Blog Action Day? Join bloggers from around the world and write a post about what inequality means to you. Have you ever encountered it in your daily life?

Inequality is everywhere. If you want to focus on it and not take action, you can find many reason to. But, does it help you grow? Sometimes, realising that life is unfair makes you a stronger person.

My experience of inequality came when I moved to country New South Wales. I was excited. I had never lived in the country—it looked so peaceful and they even had a psychiatric unit. I could work if I wanted to. In the country, few towns have mental health services—something I had never considered before my move.

I loved living in the country when I didn’t work. No traffic. Spending time with the kids and being in my own mum world.  Then, I decided to return to work after 12 month and everything changed. Working in mental health in the country was very different to the city. It was the most negative experience of my life. And, to top it off, the other staff had no real psychiatric experience. Some had worked on the unit for many years, but this unit was not a good example of what psychiatric nursing should be.

Its problem was leadership and direction. There was no NUM (nurse unit manager) and we shared 5 fly-in psychiatrists from Sydney—one for each day of the week—with the community mental health team. This meant they each spent 1/2 day at each site. To me, the patients ruled and this was not conducive to recovery. For the first time in my life—my job and opinion was not respected and in the end, I choose to leave the unit and work supporting the chronic psychiatric patients in the community. This made me whole again—from a work prospective until we moved back to the city.

In hindsight, my experience has opened my eyes to how difficult life is, in country Australia. It gives Shannon Noll’s hit “What about me” new meaning.

“What about me

It isn’t fair

I’ve had enough now

I want my share

Can’t you see

I want to live

You just take more than you give.”

This video was filmed in his home town of Condobolin in western NSW and includes many of the towns people. Like in the song, the answer to inequality is us deciding how we can change it for ourselves. Afterall, we have to be the one who answers our own question—what about me?