Great Expectations

How high are your expectations? One issue regularly struggled with is how high to set your expectations. If you set them too low, your expectations are achieved but they mean little as they were too easy.

“A calm sea never made a skilled sailor.” Anonymous

On the flip side—if you are to set the bar too high it becomes impossible to reach and you give up. This is frustrating and convinces you not to start.

The answer is to make your expectations great and achievable. Set realistic expectations at each stage. Let’s pretend that your great expectation is to sail in the Sydney to Hobart yacht race considered to be one of the most difficult ocean races in the world.

It is dangerous to think you would be able to do this as your first sailing experience. To achieve this great expectation, you would need to set various smaller challenges to build the skills required to achieve your ultimate goal— The Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race.

Possible goals may include:

1. Learn to sail.

2. Practice your skills in calm conditions.

3. Learn to read the weather and understand what a change in the conditions can mean and how to manage them. Out to sea there is no protection and unfortunately rescue and death are real options that need to be addressed.

4. Increase the difficulty of your sailing conditions to increase your skills.

5. Join a sailing club and begin yacht racing as a crew member.This will give you experience on decisions needing to be quickly and followed through. It can be an adrenaline rush as you realise that by tacking (changing direction and sailing into the wind), suddenly you can be  leading the race.

6. When possible increase the size of the yachts you are crewing on to gain different experience and increase your skills.

7. When the opportunity presents itself, crew on yachts as they go in smaller ocean racing classics. If this yacht enters the Sydney To Hobart you will become familiar with the yacht which will help develop your confidence.

8. Learn as much as you can about the race and conditions of the Sydney To Hobart Yacht Race. Join a crew, understand the risks and enjoy achieving your great expectation.
